Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts

Tuesday 25 February 2020

What To Do When You Just Don't Feel Like Writing

I'm currently in the middle of writing my next novel.

But there's a problem, if you can call it a problem. And that is, whenever I'm writing, I lose track of time and before I know it hours have passed by without me even realising it.

It's obvious to see that being totally immersed in my work that I lose track of time (while getting thousands of words written), but the problem is that during that time I haven't had a drink and it's too late to get anything else done.

Sometimes I don't even realise how long I've been sitting there until it suddenly occurs to me that I'm struggling to see because it's getting dark, which is exactly what happened to me yesterday. I was sat with my A4 notebook and pencil, writing away, when I started to noticed that it was getting harder and harder to see the page. And when I looked up, it was dusk and the sun had already set.

I had no idea that I'd been sitting there for almost 3 hours! I thought it was still the middle of the afternoon but it was actually almost 6 o'clock. So dinner was late and I was somewhat dehydrated, but on the positive side, I'd written over a dozen pages - front and back.

Only problem now though, is this morning I'm going to have to type it all up, which isn't all bad because I use it as a way to reread my work and see any parts where I've gone wrong.

And then after I do that, I'll get straight back to handwriting again because it's the part I like best. Once I sit down and start writing by hand, it seems like I just can't stop.

Many writers say they suffer from writers' block, but not me.

I do, however, often suffer from can't-sit-down block.

 But as soon as my butt is in the chair and my favorite retractable pencil is in my hand (or my felt tip pen which I also sometimes use), I'm away with my imagination and love every minute of it. Except that time escapes me so I don't actually remember every minute, but that's OK too.

Getting too much writing done is never really a problem, is it?

So this is my writing tip for the day, if you're having trouble sitting down and writing, just grab your favourite notebook and your favourite writing implement and start writing. If you haven't got anything to write, just write anything. Do a bit of journalling, or write about what you can see, hear and smell.

It doesn't matter what you write, only that you make a start. And it doesn't have to be perfect. Feel free to use bad grammar or to spell things wrong, because perfection isn't important at this point, but words on paper are.

And if you're like me, once you start writing, it's hard to stop.

Goodbye Writer's Block
How to Be a Creative Genius and Have an Abundance of Ideas
Plus the Inspiration and Motivation to Write

7 Day Ebook Writing And Publishing System
How to Write and Publish an ebook
and Start Getting Sales in Just One Week

Wednesday 5 February 2020

Make Writing So Easy And Fun You Can't Wait To Do It Every Day

I was watching a video of a talk being given by one of my favorite writers, Dean Wesley Smith and in it he said one thing that not only really resonated with me, but it's something that most writers don't do.

And I wondered, why not?

What he said is that writing must be fun to do.

And this is so important that I'll tell you again...

Writing must be fun to do.

If you find that writing is a chore and you always procrastinate because you don't want to do it, it's because it's not fun for you.

There are so many different ways to earn money writing, but just because it's possible to do, it doesn't mean it's the right thing for you to do.

You need to be doing the kind of writing that is fun for you.

Another problem that holds writers back is that they worry too much about their writing being perfect, or not publishing something until they can get the perfect cover or the perfect formatting.

My advice is to just forget about it.

No one is perfect and if you wait till you think your work is perfect you'll never submit it or publish it.

I began writing when I didn't really know what I was doing but I just knew that if I was doing SOMETHING I was moving forward. And it worked. What I was doing wasn't perfect, but I was outworking most other writers so I was making progress and making money.

It was Ray Bradbury who said (and I paraphrase) that if you have a year to write, you're better off writing 52 short stories than try and write one whole novel because it's almost impossible to write 52 bad stories. He said that writing one story a week for a year is great practice so you'll get better as you keep writing.

He also said he has had a sign above his typewriter for over 25 years that says "Don't think!"

So if you want to write more and earn more, my advice is:

Stress less, write more and have fun.

Mission Critical For Life
Start Living Life On Your Terms By Pursuing Your True Life Mission

Tuesday 4 February 2020

How To Avoid the Horrible Mistake Other People Make With Writing Goals

"When your goals inspire you, when you believe and act on them, you will accomplish them."
~ Jim Rohn

I love the above quote by Jim Rohn, who was an American entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker. He believed in the power of goal setting.

And I also believe that setting goals is motivational and it always helps me to work through and finish my writing projects.

The problem though is that most writers make the mistake of setting the WRONG goals.

What do I mean by wrong?

They set goals that are unappealing to themselves, or they set goals that seem unachievable. And when that happens, writing doesn't happen.

You see in order to achieve your writing goals they need to be inspiring and motivating, otherwise you won't even make a start.

If you have writing goals that you always think about but never, ever start, ask yourself if it's really something that you want to do? Because often (and I've been guilty of this myself), we set goals for accomplishing things we think we SHOULD do, rather than things we want to do.

So when it comes to writing, what is that you REALLY want to do? What are your writing dreams and writing goals? What is is that you want to sit down and write about every day?

And whatever you decide, make sure it's something that is fun for you to do. Something that you really would enjoy and that you look forward to doing it every day.

Mission Critical For Life

Tuesday 14 January 2020

10 Steps to Transforming Your Life

This month my latest book, Mission Critical For Life has been published and it's available as a hardback book and an ebook.

And it's all about transforming your life in every way (even getting more writing done than you ever thought possible) in just 10 simple steps.

The best thing about it is that you can start straight away.

As soon as you start to implement these 10 easy steps, you'll instantly go from bored and needy to confident and living a life that's fulfilling.

You'll no longer need other people or their opinions or their unwanted advice.

And all it takes is to discover your life mission.

What sort of mission is completely up to you.

But once you have it, no matter what happens, or whenever things become too much to deal with, you can go home, ignore everyone and work on your mission.

I know that it seems hard to believe right now, but once you start the process of working through the 10 simple steps, your life will be transformed.

You'll have more money and the confidence to finally start living life on your terms.

And it all starts right now by clicking the link below.

Wednesday 8 January 2020

Make Writing Fun and You’ll Do It More

A few days ago I wrote a blog post called ‘It’s Not What You Say, It’s the Way You Say It.’

This post was all about how prolific novelist, Dean Wesley Smith, says that writing should be fun. This post even included a short video about it.

In the video, he says that you shouldn’t take writing too seriously, and instead just enjoy doing it.

And he’s right.

I find that when I try and write something that I don’t enjoy (like when I write because I think I should or because I think it’s something that can earn me a lot of money) I’m reluctant to do it and find myself procrastinating a lot.

Also when it’s something I don’t enjoy writing, I tend to overcorrect my work which not only delays publication, but the work is never as good as it should be.

The thing about enjoying what you write is that you know you’ll enjoy it before you even write one word because you’ll be enthusiastic and fully motivated.

This is the complete opposite of writing what you think you SHOULD write or what you think will earn you the most money.

Instead, let writing be fun and relaxing and do the writing you were meant to do and you’ll know it by how much you want to do it.

And you won’t feel the need to overcorrect your work and you’ll earn money anyway.

Also, your writing will be better because your attitude also shows in the tone of your writing.

So now go ahead and write the book you’ve always wanted to write.

7 Day eBook Writing and Publishing System
Want to be a published author by this time next week?

Tuesday 31 December 2019

Why You Don't Have to Be the Best Writer

Nothing weaker than water.
Nothing stronger than rock.
Still, a slow flow of water can cut through mountains.
~  Taoist Proverb

Sometimes it's easy to feel discouraged about writing because you think you're not good enough.

But what you need to understand is that you don't have to be the best writer.

You just have to keep writing.

Even a small amount of writing every day is better than none.

If you only write 100 words a day, you'll have written 36,500 words by this time next year. That's a whole book's worth of writing.

So don't use lack of time as an excuse not to write. Everyone has time to write every day, yet most do nothing.

You don't have to be great, you just have to outwork everyone else.

Get the writing habit.

Sit down with pen and paper/blank page on a screen, and even if you don't know what to write, just start.

Today is New Year's Eve, so make your resolution for next year to sit down and write every day. Even if it's only 100 words.

Make 2020 your best writing year ever.

And here's another quote to think about:

If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.
~Zig Ziglar

Friday 27 December 2019

It's Not What You Said, It's The Way You Said It

Yesterday, I watched a fascinating video on YouTube.

It was short talk (less than 45 minutes) by author Dean Wesley Smith.

It's called The Attitude of a Fiction Author, but the subject is suitable for any writer.

In fact, Dean tells you to write what you enjoy writing instead of doing the kind of writing you think you SHOULD do, or what you think will earn you the most money, because, he says, if you're not enjoying what you're doing, you won't be good at it, nor will you be able to do it year after year, which will make your writing career unsustainable.

Not only that, but it will interfere with how you write. In other words, the tone of your writing.

His overall message is to have fun with your writing. Just write, proofread (don't rewrite) and publish. Then get on with your next book, short story, or whatever.

He also said something that I found remarkably interesting, and that is, if you publish your work (whether it's a book or some other sort of writing) and it doesn't sell, don't take it off the market because it will eventually find the right market. And it may not be your book that's bad. It could be the cover or the sales page, but if you leave it alone, eventually the right readers will find your book and love it.

This was one of the best talks about writing that I've heard in a long time. His presentation is extremely uplifting and once I'd finished watching it and taking notes (I wrote copious notes), I was inspired to write.

You can see the video below.

It's well worth a watch.

And as this time of year is so close to the New Year, this talk could really motivate you to have your best, and most fun, year of writing, ever.


Thursday 21 November 2019

It Seems I'm Being Irrational About My Writing

I've been reading a book that I borrowed from the library. It's a huge book and I'm only a few pages into it so far but it's already got me hooked. It's fascinating.

This (huge) book is called The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene and it's all about understanding how and why others act the way they do and also how we act. It seems we all pretend to be someone we're not when we're in public because we all try to be polite and usually never speak our minds.

It also said that we all exhibit irrational behaviour all the time and we don't even realise we're doing it.

For example (and this is the one that caught my attention) procrastinating is irrational behaviour because we know we have to do something, yet we don't do it. Instead, we procrastinate and we know we're doing it yet we still persist.

And I guess it's true. Why would any rational person not do something they need to do even though they have nothing else to do at the time?

It got my attention because it's what we all do when it comes to writing.

Not only do we procrastinate, but we also have so many different ways we could be sitting down and getting our writing done and earning money at the same time.

Just look at this list of 3 writing courses:

7 Day Ebook Writing and Publishing System

The 10 Day Ebook

How to Write Any Book in 28 Days or Less

Just these 3 courses alone could have you writing and publishing 3 books in the next 2 months if you don't procrastinate.

I find that being organised stops procrastination.

I just write a list of the 6 things I need to do every day (writing-related or not) and then I get to work on them straight away every morning. It helps because I don't have to think about what I'm going to do. I just look in the list in my diary and get straight to work on number 1.

That's also why I like to do writing courses (like the ones above) because they mean that all I have to do is open them up and get to work because they tell me exactly what I need to do and in what order so all I have to do is keep working my way through them.

And doesn't that sound more rational and simple to implement rather than always procrastinating and not knowing where to start?

So get organised and start writing.

No more excuses.

Stop your irrational behaviour.

Monday 4 November 2019

Having Too Much Time To Write. Is That Even Possible?

I used to think that the more time I had, the more writing I’d do.

I used to be at work every day thinking, if only I was at home I’d be sat writing and earning so much money. But instead, I had to keep my job until I could earn enough money from my writing to quit.

And then the day came when I did quit and I thought, great, now I can write all day instead of going to work. But it didn’t turn out that way at all. I discovered that I had TOO MUCH time to write, and I didn’t even know that was possible.

What happened was I started wasting time because I no longer had a reason to rush. I had no boss, no deadlines, and so I cruised along doing other things instead of getting my writing done.

I cured this ‘problem’ by not giving myself too much time to write.

What I mean by this, is that if I sit down and find myself surfing online or checking emails or doing other things instead of writing, I get up and go and do something else more productive until I can be sure that I’ll write when I sit down.

I also use a list of tasks to get more done. I have notebooks where I write out what I have to do. But it’s not a list of projects, it’s a list of tasks. So say I need to write 5 blog posts. I won’t just put that on a list with ‘write 5 blog posts.’ I’ll actually outline 5 blog posts so that when I sit down to write, I just look at my list of 5 blog posts and write them. Working this way makes it so much easier and faster to write.

Sometimes I also use a timer to give me a bit of an adrenaline rush. I figured that journalists work against the clock to get their work published on time so why not let it work for me?

So I time myself for 25 to 30 minutes at a time and see how fast I can write. Surprisingly, working fast also helps my writing to flow better because I don’t have time to second guess myself.

So what it all boils down to is that the less time I have to write, the more writing I get done, which also leaves me plenty of time for other things when I’m not sat at my desk all day wasting time doing other things instead of writing.

Monday 21 October 2019

How I Found My Writing Mission

When I first started writing I had moderate success with freelance submissions to magazines. Well actually, it was probably more than moderate if you count how excited and happy I was to do it.

It all began when I bought a copy of Quick Cash Writing and worked my way through it, writing and submitting fiction, filler, articles, features and even letters to magazines and other publications.

My next foray into money from writing was when I bought a copy of How to Write Any Book in 28 Days or Less and I worked my way through that too and wrote my first novel, which has led me to write many more books, including co-authoring two books.

What I found throughout it all was that my first successes led to more success because it was exciting to see my work in print and I was always busy working on my next thing.

And it gave me something to look forward to every day. I was always busy with having a family, pets and a part-time job, and at the end of the day there was always my writing. Sometimes I couldn’t wait for others things to be finished so that I could get back to my writing.

I would even write in cafes on my way home from work, in the park, and in waiting rooms. I would just write whenever and wherever.

What I didn’t realise back then was that I’d found my life’s mission.

I wanted to write and I didn’t let anything stop me. And I didn’t even know back then how important having a mission in life was. But it changed everything for me.

It made me a villain.

Persuasion Secrets of the World's Most Charismatic & Influential Villains
A short but extremely insightful little book that helps you to do more and to care less.
This little book can be read in less than an hour, but you’ll want to read it again and again.

Friday 27 September 2019

What Do You Need More Than Money To Implement Your Ideas?

I was recently watching a short video of a speech given by the money-making guru, Joe Vitale. Un-coincidently, it had the same title as the one I’ve used here (nothing wrong with borrowing a good idea, and titles aren’t copyrighted, or so I’m told).

What intrigued me about it was that he was saying almost the same thing I’ve been saying for a long time now, and that is, if you want to write, sit down and do it. Show up every day and work.

And he was saying that too many people think that they can’t implement any ideas they have (writing-related or otherwise) because they don’t have the money to do it.

But if you have a great idea you don’t need money because no matter how much you spend or how much you buy, it won’t help you to implement your ideas.

Dr Joe Vitale said you don’t need money, you need creativity because not having money makes you think, wonder and create strategies.

You need courage, creativity and to act to get things started.

Then one step leads to another.

And it all starts with one idea.

Goodbye Writer's Block:
How to Be a Creative Genius and Have an Abundance of Ideas Plus the Inspiration and Motivation to Write

Friday 29 March 2019

What’s Stopping You?

A few days ago I was reading a Facebook post by motivational speaker and life coach, James Arthur Ray.

In it he was talking about his upcoming show in Las Vegas. It looked intriguing, but Las Vegas is a long way from where I live in Australia.

So I commented and said that I couldn’t make the show but asked would it be recorded for downloading at a later date?

The answer came back from him pretty quickly.

No. Definitely not. No repeats. No re-dos. No recordings.

In fact he asked me why couldn’t I just come to the show? “What’s stopping you?”

He also said that if I really wanted to attend, then I wouldn’t let anything stop me and I wouldn’t be looking for excuses not to go.

So I thought about it for a while and I couldn’t think of a legitimate reason for not going. If I really wanted to go, I’d do whatever it took to be there. So if I was honest with myself, I didn’t really want to go as badly as I thought I did.

And then I thought about asking, “What’s stopping you?” about all situations in life.

Whenever you say you want to do something, but you’re not doing it, what’s stopping you?

The same can be asked if you’re not doing as much writing as you say you want to do. What’s stopping you? There really is no excuse for not writing. It’s cheap, it’s free to do and everyone has some spare time to write, no matter how busy they say their life is.

No matter what obligations we might say we have other than writing, they don’t take up every minute of every day.

If you’re not writing as much as you say you want to, then you’re just not in the right mindset to write.

The question you need to ask yourself is, how badly do you want to do it?

And if there’s nothing stopping you, except your reluctance to do it, then you need to change how you feel and start writing.

Just sit down, write, and stop making excuses.

Change How You Feel In Just 30 Minutes or Less. 
Focus, Sleep and Relaxation.
Download a Free Demo Now.

Monday 25 March 2019

This Is Not Writing Gimmick. It Actually Works

Sometimes it's hard to write. Even though I am a writer and I earn all my money from writing, it's still hard to sit down and write some days.

In his best selling book The War Of Art, Stephen Pressfield refers to this as Resistance and said that it's something that most writers suffer from. He also said that the only thing that can help is to fight it every day.

Long ago I found that listening to brain entrainment audios helped me to fight Resistance.

But I stopped using them last year and lost income and felt distracted all the time.

Thankfully, I'm back to using them again and it's working all over again.

And the funny thing, is that I didn't even realise how much they’d been helping me until I started using them again.

It felt like there was a missing piece to my writing puzzle that I've now found again.

So this is how I know that these audios are not a gimmick, because they actually work. And I proved it to myself without even trying.

Sometimes you’ve just got to do what you’ve got to do to defeat Resistance to writing.

The War of Art, by Stephen Pressfield

Change How You Feel In Just 30 Minutes or Less. 
Focus, Sleep and Relaxation.
Download a Free Demo Now.

Wednesday 20 March 2019

How Could This Possibly Make Me Write More?

For a while I got really slack with my writing because too many other things were getting in the way.

This went on for over a year.

I was trying to figure out how I could get back up to my usual productive self, when I remembered that I used to always listen to my Brain Salon audios while I wrote but I hadn’t used them throughout my slack year, which was surprising considering how much I used to use them before.

So I started plugging those audios into my ears once more and almost immediately I got back into my usual productive writing.

I never would have thought that they could make such a difference if I hadn’t have tried it for myself. But they do.

And in case you’re skeptical, I ain’t lying. Writing and earning money is far too important to joke around with.

Try the free 15 minute demo for yourself and let it give you your own razor sharp focus.

Change How You Feel In Just 30 Minutes or Less. 
Focus, Sleep and Relaxation.
Download a Free Demo Now.

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Writing Motivation

"If you really think about it, hitting the snooze button in the morning doesn't even make sense. It's like saying, 'I hate getting up in the morning, so I do it over, and over, and over again.'" 

~ Demetri Martin

Sometimes it's hard to get going when you feel unmotivated.

I feel like that some days, but just like author Stephen King so famously said, don't wait for the muse to show up before you sit and write because it won't show up for work until you do.

So, in other words, whatever it is you have to do, just make a start and the rest will be easy.

The problem though is that we all want to achieve the goal (no matter how big or small it is) but we don't want to put in the actual work to make it happen. And it doesn't matter if your goal is small like having a shower every morning or writing a letter, or huge like redecorating the whole house or writing a book, getting started, or knowing how and where to start can seem like a bit of a hurdle.

I recently bought the Hal Elrod book, "The Miracle Morning" and in it, he talks about this problem too.

He says, "It's been said that nobody actually likes waking up early, but everyone loves the feeling of having woken up early. Kind of like exercising -- many of us struggle to get ourselves to the gym, but all of us love the feeling of having gone to the gym. Waking up early, especially when done with purpose, always starts you off feeling empowered for your day."

And it's true. We all dislike doing things, but we want the feeling of having it done.

Motivational speaker Mike Litman used to say it's important to focus on the goal, not on the process of getting there.

And it’s the same with writing. It’s hard to actually sit down and concentrate on getting the writing done when you have low motivation and there are so many distractions on the computer like games, social media and emails, just to name a few.

But what I find is that as soon as I sit down and make an effort to at least start, by taking out my diary and my notebooks and looking at what I was working on the day before and what I have to do that day. And I find that once I begin to just ‘look’ at what I have to do and re-read what I’ve already written, then I seem to get my ‘writing head’ on and that makes it much easier to get to work.

And when I have a productive day, it doesn’t just give me a feeling of satisfaction (and help me to earn more money), but it also helps me to generate more ideas for other writing projects.

So when you feel unmotivated to write, just remember what Nike said.

Just Do It.

And if you want to read more about writing motivation, go on and take a look at my latest writing article over on my website, The Gene Schwartz Japanese Tea Ceremony Distraction-Free Writing.

Wednesday 9 January 2019

Want to Write a Story? Get Lost!

When it comes to writing a novel, it’s important to get lost in your story.

What I mean by this is that it’s important to write consistently. Daily.

The only way to write a good story is to completely immerse yourself in it as you write so that you can ‘feel’ it and the story flows.

And the way to do this is to write every day.

If you don’t, you’ll have to re-read what you’ve previously written and you’ll forget whether or not you’ve mentioned things before or if one of your characters knows something already or whether you still need to write about how they find out.

But if you write your story consistently and write daily, you’ll stay in the flow of what’s happening and feel like you’re actually living your story which will make great writing.

And great writing makes easy reading.

So when you write your next story, immerse yourself in it daily and really get lost in it.

You can see my latest romance novel at

Monday 3 December 2018

The "Yoda" Way to Write More and Earn More

"Do or do not. There is no try."
~ Yoda

If you want to earn more money from your writing (and don't we all), the 'so-easy-you'll-kick-yourself' thing to do is eliminate one 3-letter word from your vocabulary.

And that word is 'try.'

When you want to get a writing project done, don't say you're going to try and finish it.

Instead, replace "I'll try to get this writing done" with "I'm going to get this writing done."

And then just sit down and do it.

No excuses.

Saying you're going to try and get something done means you're already seeing yourself NOT doing it.

It's like when someone says "I'll try and make it to the party tonight," which really means they're not going to make it at all. And we all know that.

And it's the same when you say you're going to try and get more writing done or try and get a project finished. As soon as you use the word 'try' you're already defeated.

So starting today, remove the word 'try' when you're talking about getting things done.

As the wise Yoda said to Luke Skywalker in the movie Star Wars, "There is no try."

So tell yourself you'll do it and you will.

But tell yourself you'll try, and you won't.

Now...sit down and write.

Goodbye Writer's Block:
How to Be a Creative Genius and Have an Abundance of Ideas Plus the Inspiration and Motivation to Write

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Earn Money Writing From Everything You Read

There's no doubt that the saying is true.

Writers are readers.

Now you may think that it can't be true because you don't read much at all, so let me rephrase that:

Successful writers are readers. (If you don't read a lot, you probably don't write a lot either.)

They read a lot.

And over the years I've discovered that I can earn money from things that I read.

I do it quite by accident, yet it happens often.

What I do is, when I'm reading something and I want to remember it, I take notes.

I read a sentence or two, or a paragraph or two and then in my own words, I write it down.

I write down what I've just learned, just like I used to do when I was studying at school and university.

I especially do it when I'm reading a book from the library because I can't keep it. But I can keep my book of notes and quotes (I write out passages from the book that I think are remarkable).

And then sometime later, when I want to look for something in my notes, I realise that what I've written is gold.

So I rewrite and expand it all into a series of articles or emails or even a book.

And that's how I earn money from what I read.

But as a cautionary note, I'm not saying I plagiarise. I don't write things out word-for-word (except for the short quotes).

I write everything in my own words, the way I understood it, just like I used to do at school when I was studying for exams.


Goodbye Writer's Block
How to Be a Creative Genius and Have an Abundance of Ideas Plus the Inspiration and Motivation to Write

Thursday 14 June 2018

The Lesson I Recently Learned About Habits and My Challenge To You

For the past week I've been dog sitting. I've been looking after my daughter's little dog for 7 days.

She's a sweet little thing, extremely tiny (a Chihuahua cross) and so full of life she wears me out.

She is such a full-on little girl and her energy never seems to wain. She's like the Everyready Bunny and just goes and goes and goes, wanting to play all day.

And she loves toys.

On my desk I have a little stuffed toy of Marvin The Martian character from the Looney Toons cartoons.

Whenever Marvin falls off my desk, the little dog is quick to snatch him up and run off with him.

I took the dog home yesterday and today I sat down to write (haven't done much of that over the past week with the little Tasmanian Devil of a dog whirling around and barking at me when I don't pay her  enough attention), I took out my diary and when I closed the desk drawer, Marvin slipped sideways.

He would have fallen off the desk but quick as a flash I grabbed him and sat him up again.

And it occured to me that the reason I grabbed him so fast was so that the little dog couldn't get him.

But she's not here anymore.

Not only that, but last night, I nearly snapped the end off a dog treat before I gave it to our dog, thinking that I still needed a little piece for the other dog.

It's amazing how quickly my new habits formed. In just 7 days.

And you may be wondering what this has to do with writing, so I'll tell you.

If you have poor writing habits, like not having enough bum-in-chair time or getting easily distracted by bright, shining things on the internet or Facebook, try changing your habits for just 7 days and see the impact in can make into how much writing you get done and how much more money you earn.

Make it a one week challenge to sit and write more and to not get distracted by the internet.

Just sit down every day, write, and ship your work.

See how much you can write and publish in the next 7 days.


Goodbye Writer's Block
How to Be a Creative Genius and Have an Abundance of Ideas Plus the Inspiration and Motivation to Write

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Want to Write More Books?

I don't know about you, but most of my income comes from writing books.

I also earn money from freelance writing (but I do less and less these days), online advertising and affiliate marketing.

But mostly from my books.

And if you're the same, then to make more money you need to write more books.

Naturally, this means you need a constant and never-ending supply of ideas.

Which isn't easy.

Years ago I found a way to not only find ideas, but to find great ideas and to know exactly what readers are looking for so I know what to include in my books.

And once you know how to find ideas, if you're like me, you'll quickly go from writers' block to idea overload.

And how do find great ideas?

You just have to start looking.


Goodbye Writer's Block
How to Be a Creative Genius and Have an Abundance of Ideas Plus the Inspiration and Motivation to Write